The settings on this virtual switch do not match the expected settings from the uplink port profile. The NetCfgInstanceId was not set to any underlying physical network adapter.
The service tier template %Name;, used in the service template %FriendlyName;, has its computer name set to an encrypted ...
The servicing step %Count; named %TaskDescription;, after the difference calculation between the service templates, was skipped ...
The set of host groups associated with network manager (%Address;) does not contain all the host groups associated with network ...
The set of storage nodes that were specified contains all storage nodes that are in the cluster. This operation cannot be ...
The settings on this virtual switch do not match the expected settings from the uplink port profile. The NetCfgInstanceId ...
The Setup Wizard allows you to change the way ProductName features are installed on your computer or to remove it from your ...
The Setup Wizard will complete the installation of ProductName on your computer. Click Install to continue or Cancel to exit ...
The shut down action on virtual machine %VMName; timed out in host %VMHostName; after waiting for %TimeInMinutes; minutes. ...
The Site property for the Web Application Host Template object is not valid. It contains a non-matching service setting delimiter ...