Examples: The user object for the user Jane Doe can be renamed to Jane Jones with the following command: dsmove "cn=Jane ...

The user object for the user Jane Doe can be renamed to Jane Jones
with the following command:

    dsmove "cn=Jane Doe,ou=sales,dc=microsoft,dc=com" -newname "Jane Jones"

The same user can be moved from the Sales organization to the Marketing
organization with the following command:

    dsmove "cn=Jane Doe,ou=sales,dc=microsoft,dc=com"
    -newparent ou=Marketing,dc=microsoft,dc=com

The rename and move operations for the user can be combined with the
following command:

    dsmove "cn=Jane Doe,ou=sales,dc=microsoft,dc=com"
    -newparent ou=Marketing,dc=microsoft,dc=com -newname "Jane Jones"

Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.