SQ[L package Loads a package that is stored in SQL Server. The package argument specifies the folder and name of the package ...

SQ[L] package

Loads a package that is stored in SQL Server. The package argument specifies
the folder and name of the package to retrieve.

However, you can use the SQL option in conjunction with options User, Password,
and Server. If you omit the User option, Windows Authentication is used to 
access the package. If it is present, the User login name specified is 
associated with SQL Server Authentication.

You can use the Password option only in conjunction with the User option.
If you use the Password option, dtexec accesses the package with the user name
and password information that you provide. If you omit the Password option, a 
blank password is used.

* Security Note: When possible, use Windows Authentication.

If you omit the Server option, the default local instance of SQL Server is 

If you use the SQL option in conjunction with any of the following options, 
dtexec fails: 
o DTS 
o File