Indicates the specific power-related capabilities of a ComputerSystem and its associated running OperatingSystem. The values, ...

Indicates the specific power-related capabilities of a ComputerSystem and its associated running OperatingSystem. The values, 0=\"Unknown\", 1=\"Not Supported\", and 2=\"Disabled\" are self-explanatory. The value, 3=\"Enabled\" indicates that the power management features are currently enabled but the exact feature set is unknown or the information is unavailable. \"Power Saving Modes Entered Automatically\" (4) describes that a system can change its power state based on usage or other criteria. \"Power State Settable\" (5) indicates that the SetPowerState method is supported. \"Power Cycling Supported\" (6) indicates that the SetPowerState method can be invoked with the PowerState input variable set to 5 (\"Power Cycle\"). \"Timed Power On Supported\" (7) indicates that the SetPowerState method can be invoked with the PowerState input variable set to 5 (\"Power Cycle\") and the Time parameter set to a specific date and time, or interval, for power-on.