Type, namespace, and member identifiers are Pascal-cased. Parameter identifiers are camel-cased. Two letter acronyms within ...

Type, namespace, and member identifiers are Pascal-cased. Parameter identifiers are camel-cased. Two letter acronyms within these identifiers should be upper-cased, for example, use System.IO instead of System.Io. Acronyms of three or more letters should be Pascal-cased, for example, use System.Xml instead of System.XML. The pascal-casing convention capitalizes the first letter of each word, as in BackColor. The camel-casing convention formats the first letter of the first word in lowercase and capitalizes the first letter of all subsequent words, as in backgroundColor. Although it may be common practice for some two letter acronyms to not be fully capitalized, violations of this rule should not be excluded for this reason. For example, 'DbConnection', is common but incorrect; use DBConnection. A violation of this rule might be required for compatibility with existing, non-managed symbol schemes. In general, however, these symbols should not be visible outside the assembly that uses them.