You cannot select terms of payment that use a credit card for an invoice that has a negative total currency amount. To refund the customer, create a credit note that is based on an existing sales order with terms of payment that use a credit card.
You cannot select a printer from this online product. Instead, save as PDF, or another format, which you can print later.\The ...
You cannot select an alternative depreciation profile if the depreciation profile is Straight Line Life Remaining and the ...
You cannot select field %1 until you define a default budget code for budget type %1. Define this code and then return to ...
You cannot select field 'Enable budget appropriation' until you select a journal name in the 'Budget journal' field. Select ...
You cannot select terms of payment that use a credit card for an invoice that has a negative total currency amount. To refund ...
You cannot select the Depr. Until FA Posting Date check box because there is no previous acquisition entry for fixed asset ...
You cannot select the depreciation convention half year (start of year) because an alternative depreciation profile exists ...
You cannot select the Enable budget appropriation check box until you select a journal name in the Budget journal field in ...
You cannot select the half year depreciation on additional acquisition because alternative depreciation profiles are assigned ...