Failed to extend lock expiration, lock expiration already passed or the lock owner was deleted. Aborting SqlWorkflowInstanceStore.
Failed to execute request because the worker process account does not have access to the IIS Metabase. This may be fixed ...
Failed to execute the request because the ASP.NET process identity does not have read permissions to the global assembly ...
Failed to execute the request because the ASP.NET process identity does not have read permissions to the global assembly ...
Failed to extend lock expiration, lock expiration already passed or the lock owner was deleted. Aborting SqlWorkflowInstanceStore. ...
Failed to extend lock expiration, lock expiration already passed or the lock owner was deleted. Aborting SqlWorkflowInstanceStore. ...
Failed to get entry point '%s' in library '%hs'. Win32 error: %d. This program can no longer run and will now terminate. ...
Failed to get entry point '%s' in library '%hs'. Win32 error: %d. This program can no longer run and will now terminate. ...
Failed to get information for COM+ application {0} from the catalog. Check the configuration of the application using the ...
Failed to get instance ID from the message for this control operation. This may be caused by contract mismatch. Please make ...