DPM was unable to determine the right node for backing up the Availability Group database and hence failed the backup. Database: %DatasourceName;
DPM was unable to compile a list of recoverable objects for %DatasourceType; %DatasourceName;. You will be unable to perform ...
DPM was unable to configure Active Directory for end-user recovery because a recent change to Active Directory has not yet ...
DPM was unable to configure and start the VmmHelperService on the DPM Server. Server name: %ServerName;. Exception Message: ...
DPM was unable to detach the content database %ContentDatabase; from the recovery farm. Exception Message = %ExceptionMessage;. ...
DPM was unable to determine the right node for backing up the Availability Group database and hence failed the backup. Database: ...
DPM was unable to establish a connection with the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) server. Server name: %ServerName;. Exception ...
DPM was unable to export the item %SiteUrl; from the content database %ContentDatabase;. Exception Message = %ExceptionMessage;. ...
DPM was unable to get the content sources of the SharePoint Service Provider (SSP) %DatasourceName; to a consistent state. ...
DPM was unable to get the list of data sources on %PSServerName; that are protected by the primary DPM server %ServerName;. ...