w32tm /ntte Convert a NT system time, in (10^-7)s intervals from 0h 1-Jan 1601, into a readable format. w32tm /ntpte Convert an NTP time, in (2^-32)s intervals from 0h 1-Jan 1900, into a readable format. w32tm /resync [/computer:] [/nowait] [/rediscover] [/soft] Tell a computer that it should resynchronize its clock as soon as possible, throwing out all accumulated error statistics. computer: - computer that should resync. If not specified, the local computer will resync. nowait - do not wait for the resync to occur; return immediately. Otherwise, wait for the resync to complete before returning. rediscover - redetect the network configuration and rediscover network sources, then resynchronize. soft - resync utilizing existing error statistics. Not useful, provided for compatibility. w32tm /stripchart /computer: [/period:] [/dataonly] [/samples:] Display a strip chart of the offset between this computer and another computer. computer: - the computer to measure the offset against. period: - the time between samples, in seconds. The default is 2s dataonly - display only the data, no graphics. samples: - collect samples, then stop. If not specified, samples will be collected until Ctrl-C is pressed. w32tm /config [/computer:] [/update] [/manualpeerlist:] [/syncfromflags:] [/LocalClockDispersion:] [/reliable:(YES|NO)] [/largephaseoffset:] computer: - adjusts the configuration of . If not specified, the default is the local computer. update - notifies the time service that the configuration has changed, causing the changes to take effect. manualpeerlist: - sets the manual peer list to , which is a space-delimited list of DNS and/or IP addresses. When specifying multiple peers, this switch must be enclosed in quotes. syncfromflags: - sets what sources the NTP client should sync from. should be a comma separated list of these keywords (not case sensitive): MANUAL - include peers from the manual peer list DOMHIER - sync from a DC in the domain hierarchy LocalClockDispersion: - configures the accuracy of the internal clock that w32time will assume when it can't acquire time from its configured sources. reliable:(YES|NO) - set whether this machine is a reliable time source. This setting is only meaningful on domain controllers. YES - this machine is a reliable time service NO - this machine is not a reliable time service largephaseoffset: - sets the time difference between local and network time which w32time will consider a spike. w32tm /tz Display the current time zone settings. w32tm /dumpreg [/subkey:] [/computer:] Display the values associated with a given registry key. The default key is HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time (the root key for the time service). subkey: - displays the values associated with subkey of the default key. computer: - queries registry settings for computer