You already have {0} mobile devices out of a possible {1} linked to your account. When the maximum number of mobile devices is reached, you may not be able to add any more mobile devices until you remove an existing mobile device.
X.400 connector '{3}' was found in the organization. Exchange Server 2007 does not support X.400 connectors. This connector ...
XML schema validation failed for the file "%1" at line %2. The error was "%3". A Unified Messaging configuration data file ...
XProxyTo command expected a based64 encoded certificate subject, but the input certificate subject is not a valid one: %1. ...
You already have 1 mobile device out of a possible {0} linked to your account. When you reach the maximum, you may not be ...
You already have {0} mobile devices out of a possible {1} linked to your account. When the maximum number of mobile devices ...
You are about to create a rule in an organization where Hub Transport servers running Exchange Server 2007 exist. To ensure ...
You are about to upgrade your Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 server. This wizard will guide you through the upgrade process. ...
You are assigning permissions to the local group %s. Local groups can only be used in the domain where they are created, ...
You are attempting to remove the last public folder database in the organization. If you remove this database, all of its ...