The digitally signed e-mail item cannot be displayed in the Reading Pane because it contains a security label. Open the message to read it.
The difference between the baseline duration of a task and the total duration (current estimate) of a task. Duration Variance ...
The difference between the baseline finish date of a task or assignment and its current finish date. Finish Variance = Finish ...
The digital certificate for the PowerPoint Viewer is invalid or has been tampered with. To include the viewer, reinstall ...
The digital signature carried by this component is valid, ensuring that the component has not been replaced or altered since ...
The digitally signed e-mail item cannot be displayed in the Reading Pane because it contains a security label. Open the message ...
The digitally signed e-mail item cannot be displayed in the Reading Pane because it contains an S/MIME receipt. Open the ...
The digitally signed e-mail item cannot be displayed in the Reading Pane because it is requesting an S/MIME receipt. Open ...
The directory "%1!.500s!" and all its contents were not migrated because it is marked as non-browsable in Microsoft Internet ...
The Directory Management Service could not be reached. Check that the URL is correct and that the service is functioning ...