Enter one or more terms, separated by semicolons, and select Find to filter the options to only include those which contain the desired values.
After finding the term set that contains the list of values to display options for this column, click on a term to select the first level of the hierarchy to show in the column. All levels below the term you select will be seen when users choose a value.
Enter at least one recipient name in the To, Cc, or Bcc box. Type the name(s), or click the To button to open the Address ...
Enter how long to remember user-selected filter values and how often to clear them when they expire. Set the maximum number ...
Enter keywords that describe your interests so that you will see newsfeed activities when people tag content using those ...
Enter keywords to help you remember this page. Clicking My Tags will take you to your Tags and Notes page, showing all of ...
Enter one or more terms, separated by semicolons, and select Find to filter the options to only include those which contain ...
Enter or select the macro to run. The list shows all macros in the current database. Enter or select a macrogroupname.macroname ...
Enter or select the name of the object to close. The list shows all current database objects of the type selected with the ...
Enter or select the name of the object to save. The list shows all current database objects of the type selected with the ...
Enter or select the specific object that contains the record to make current The list shows all database objects of the type ...