The Recursive property is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like to use this feature.
The name can contain only letters, numbers and hyphens. The first and last characters must be a letter or number. Spaces ...
The properties LinkedServiceReference and SecureString are only supported for string and array of strings type properties. ...
The property 'ExtendedProperties' is not a valid property for the activity. This property has been deprecated. Please use ...
The property {0} is not a valid property for HDInsightBYOCLinkedService. This property has been deprecated. Please use 'LinkedServiceName' ...
The Recursive property is not allowed for your subscription. Please contact Azure Data Factory team if you would like to ...
The resource type name in the request URI was '{0}' but is expected to be '{1}'. Please change the routing path of the request ...
The schema of the input at '{0}' does not match the model at '{1}'. Go to your Azure Machine Learning web service page and ...
The schema of the input at '{0}' does not match the model at '{1}'. Go to your Azure Machine Learning web service page and ...
The selected Azure subscription cannot be used. Please select a subscription for which you are an owner or a contributor. ...