In EntityContainer '{4}', the Role for the End with the EntitySet '{0}', in the AssociationSet '{1}' was not supplied, and there were no Ends in the Relationship '{2}' that matched the type '{3}'.
in class '|2' cannot override '|3' in class '|4' because an intermediate class '|5' overrides '|3' in class '|4' but is not ...
In contract '{0}', there are multiple operations with Method '{2}' and a UriTemplate that is equivalent to '{1}'. Each operation ...
In EntityContainer '{4}', Role '{0}' in '{1}' and '{2}' AssociationSet refers to the same EntitySet '{3}'. Make sure that ...
In EntityContainer '{4}', the Role for the End with the EntitySet '{0}' in the AssociationSet '{1}' was not supplied, and ...
In EntityContainer '{4}', the Role for the End with the EntitySet '{0}', in the AssociationSet '{1}' was not supplied, and ...
In markup extensions, all constructor argument values should be atoms. For the object of type '{0}', one or more argument ...
In ObjectDataSource '{0}' when EnablePaging is set to true, StartRowIndexParameterName and MaximumRowsParameterName must ...
In operation {0}, the schema type corresponding to the fault detail type {1} is anonymous. Please set Fault name explicitly ...
In order for an implementation map to be directly applied to a workflow instance, the implementation map must indicate that ...