Compound index changes associated with a previous schema change are still pending. This is because the configuration set-wide ...

Compound index changes associated with a previous schema change are still pending. This is because the configuration set-wide
dSHeuristics flag fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate is set. This flag, when set, disables automatic indexing of existing
attributes on schema update.

To ensure optimal performance from this AD LDS instance, force an index creation. If fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate is set
to 1, perform a rootDSE attribute modification on schemaUpdateNow and set it to 1. If fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate is
instead set to 2, perform a rootDSE attribute modification on schemaUpdateIndicesNow and set it to 1. This behavior can also
be turned off by resetting the fDisableAutoIndexingOnSchemaUpdate flag in dsHeuristics to 0; AD LDS instances will
automatically rebuild indices as they receive this change.