An invalid attempt was made to use a device installation file queue for verification of digital signatures relative to other platforms.
An internal LSA error has occurred. An authentication package has requested the creation of a Logon Session but the ID of ...
An internal server error happened. Please contact your administrator to verify if the web server is configured correctly. ...
An internal speech recognition error has occurred. Click OK to re-train your profile. On the Speech Recognition tab under ...
An internal state error has occurred. The remote session will be disconnected. Your local computer might be low on memory. ...
An invalid attempt was made to use a device installation file queue for verification of digital signatures relative to other ...
An invalid attribute was specified for this tag, or a required attribute is missing. The application's configuration was ...
An invalid cryptographic algorithm %1 was specified for failover message authentication in FailoverCryptoAlgorithm under ...
An invalid parameter was passed to this function. This function takes a package, not an AppxManifest.xml file. RegisterPackage ...
An invalid request was sent to the admin support thread for the Remote Access Service, possibly from a down-level admin tool. ...