Usage: wsrmdbmig.exe /jet2sql /jet jet-db-dir /sql instance-name /oldserver old-db-server /jet2sql Specifies the migration ...

  wsrmdbmig.exe /jet2sql [/jet jet-db-dir] [/sql instance-name] [/oldserver old-db-server]
    /jet2sql      Specifies the migration is happening between Jet Database to SQL
      /jet        Specifies the source Jet Database path
      /sql        Specifies the Destination SQL Database instance
      /oldserver  Specifies the old accounting server name - Default is "Migrated Server"

  wsrmdbmig.exe /sql2sql [/sqlDbPath sql-db-path]
    /sql2sql      Specifies the migration is happening between a previous version of WSRM DB to the current version of WSRM DB
      /sqlDbPath  Specifies the path of previous version of WSRM DB