One or more named pipes or shares have been marked for access by anonymous users. This increases the security risk of the ...

One or more named pipes or shares have been marked for access by anonymous users.  This increases the security risk of the computer by allowing unauthenticated users to connect to this server.

Registry Key: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters
Registry Values: NullSessionPipes, NullSessionShares
Default Value: Empty (or not present)
Current Value: Non-empty


You should expect this event when modifying the default values of NullSessionShares and NullSessionPipes. On a typical file server, these settings do not exist or do not contain values, which is the most secure configuration. By default, domain controllers populate the NullSessionShares entry with netlogon, samr, and lsarpc to allow legacy access methods.