Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition. Domain controller: %1 Directory partition: %2
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references ...
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. ...
Internal event: The following tombstone lifetime registry value is too low or incompatible with the following garbage collection ...
Internal event: The Global Catalog Domain Controller %1, in site %2, domain %3 will be used to update the group memberships. ...
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following ...
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following ...
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following ...
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set ...
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner ...