An unexpected error occured while checking the account partner verfication certificates for expiration. Exception information: %1 User Action Check all acount partner verification certificates for problems. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft technical support.
An unexpected error has occurred. Check the System Event Log for more information on the error. Close the Disk Management ...
An unexpected error has occurred. It may be because the current disk is corrupted. Retry with the current disk or insert ...
An unexpected error has occurred. It may be because the current media is corrupted. Retry with the current disk or insert ...
An unexpected error is preventing the operation. Make a note of this error code, which might be useful if you get additional ...
An unexpected error occured while checking the account partner verfication certificates for expiration. Exception information: ...
An unexpected error occurred during backup to media: %2. Retry the current media or insert new media into drive %1 to continue ...
An unexpected error occurred during backup to media: %2. You can retry the current media or insert new media into drive %1 ...
An unexpected error occurred during restore from media: %2. Either retry with the current media or insert another copy of ...
An unexpected error occurred during restore from media: %2. Retry with the current disk. To continue, click C]. To exit, ...