If you believe that you are getting this message in error, click Back and choose the telephone option. The telephone activation option will provide you the opportunity to speak to a support representative about activation issues.
If you are working with a form library on a SharePoint site, close this dialog box, and then use InfoPath to publish a form ...
If you ask how many products are supplied by Pavlova, Ltd., you'll get the answer 3 instead of the correct answer 4. This ...
If you attempt to import an XML file with insufficient content or reserved words as table names or field names, you may receive ...
If you attempt to open or replace an encrypted Microsoft Office Word document, you may receive this error. Usually, a password ...
If you believe that you are getting this message in error, click Back and choose the telephone option. The telephone activation ...
If you believe you have received this warning in error, click the Verify Date button to check your clock against the time ...
If you cancel, connections to the following networks will not be created: You will not be able to download your network contacts ...
If you cancel, the connection to the network will not be created. You will not be able to download your network contacts ...
If you change the current setting for line-breaking characters, you will lose your customizations. Are you sure you want ...