Creates a Process Matching Criteria. 1. wsrmc /Create:Pmc /i: must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Pmc /Rule /Path: ...

Creates a Process Matching Criteria.

 1. wsrmc /Create:Pmc /i:
       must be a valid XML file.

 2. wsrmc /Create:Pmc  /Rule [/Path:] [/User:]
      Accepts multiple match criteria with a single command. Note that at least
      one of /Path or /User must be specified.

      /Rule   Define the match criteria /User and /Path. (for example - /Rule 
              /Path:pathA /User:userB)
      /Path   Full path of the directory or executables to match.
      /User   User or Group Name to match.
              To exclude a  from matching, use an exclamation 
              point (!) before the < user name | command-line path>
      /Desc   User defined description for the policy.
              (Maximum of 256 characters allowed)