One or more items failed to copy. Changes that were made to their attachments are not compatible with the server. The failed items were moved to your Local Failures folder and replaced with copies from the server. If you need assistance troubleshooting items in your Local Failures folder, a Help topic is available at the following address: For details, see the log file <0w>.
One or more functions in this workbook are not available in this version of Excel. When recalculated, these functions will ...
One or more functions in this workbook are not available in versions prior to Excel 2007. When recalculated in earlier versions, ...
One or more hierarchies have grouped fields in the PivotTable. Slicers cannot be created for hierarchies with grouped fields. ...
One or more hyperlinks in the (!idspnWord_NV) document contain Word Markup Language (WordML) code that cannot be imported. ...
One or more items failed to copy. Changes that were made to their attachments are not compatible with the server. The failed ...
One or more items in the Document Set are currently checked out or are records. All items must be checked-in before a previous ...
One or more items in the folder you synchronized do not match. To resolve the conflicts, open the items, and then try this ...
One or more items in the selected dashboard have not been published to the server. Before proceeding, select Save All To ...
One or more items in this calendar have conflicting changes and have not been included in this Calendar Snapshot. You can ...