The log file prefix is used when formatting events to log files. The real time prefix is used when formatting events to the ...

The log file prefix is used when formatting events to log files.  The real time prefix is used when formatting events to the real time tracing window.  Each of the prefix strings can reference the following variables:  %!COMP! is the component name, %!LEVEL! is the level name, %!FLAGS! is the flag name, %!FUNC! is the name of the function or method that generated the log record, %2 is the source file and line number that generated the record, %3 is the ID of the thread that generated the record, %4 is the time the event record was generated, %5 is the cumulative processor time, %7 is a local sequence number for the component, %8 is the ID of the process that generated the record, and %9 is the number of the CPU that generated the record.  %1 and %6 are not allowed.  %3, %7, %8 and %9 are integers that should be followed by a printf-style numeric format specifier enclosed in exclamation marks.  For example, %3!04X! would display the thread ID as a four-digit hexadecimal number.  %2, %4 and %5 are always strings so can only be followed by string format specifier (!s!).   In addition, the real time prefix can contain the following escape characters: 
, 	, \s or \\ which will be replaced with a new line sequence, a tab, a space and a single backslash respectively.

The Format file search path specifies a semi-colon separated list of folder paths.  OCSLogger will search these folders for .TMF files if it can't find the format information for a log record in the default.tmx file that is included with OCSLogger.  This functionality is primarily used to support patching that results in new format information for some components that would not be found in the default.tmx file.