Changing the diacritic settings will immediatly rebuild the index. Depending upon how many files you have, it can take as long as several hours to complete. Searches might be incomplete during this time. Are you sure you want to change these settings?
Changes to this picture have not been saved. The file may be read-only or you might not have permission to save to the picture's ...
Changing only the Service Name or the File Name will result in a profile that could have file or service name conflicts, ...
Changing the active partition on a disk might make the disk not startable if the partition does not have valid system files. ...
Changing the certificate purpose may change various cryptographic settings, such as minimum key size, algorithms, and cryptographic ...
Changing the diacritic settings will immediatly rebuild the index. Depending upon how many files you have, it can take as ...
Changing the redirection options for Music or Videos to not follow Documents will make this setting not apply to Windows ...
Changing the transaction isolation level from 'Serialized' or 'Any' requires that all components called from this component ...
Changing these settings will affect TV recording and may interrupt TV or radio on an Extender device. Do you want to continue? ...
Changing to Node Majority quorum configuration is not allowed at this time, as it will cause the cluster to lose quorum and ...