The Windows app dependency for this software installer was not found in the application folder. You can continue to create and deploy this application, but it will not run until the missing Windows app dependency is provided.
The VAT number could not be validated because the validation service is unavailable. We will continue to try to validate ...
The VAT number for this subscription is invalid. Contact Support to correct the VAT number, and then try the transaction ...
The version of Microsoft Exchange that is running on the Client Access server is not supported by the Microsoft Intune Exchange ...
The VPP token entered belongs to a different company's VPP account as compared to the previous token, which belonged to "{0}". ...
The Windows app dependency for this software installer was not found in the application folder. You can continue to create ...
The Windows Live ID {0} is already associated with another recipient {1}. A Windows Live ID can be associated with only one ...
The Windows Phone app package(*.xap file) version number does not have a valid format. It should be major.minor[.build[.revision]. ...
The Windows Phone Company Portal App is required for enrollment. Please upload a signed alternate before removing the currently ...
The wizard has not completed and it cannot be closed at this time. Please wait until the wizard completes. This can take ...