You are trying to switch to an organization that you are not authorized to view. If you believe this is in error, try again. If problem persists please, use Find Support to research the issue.
You are trying to operate on one record, but more records are affected. Check indexes, run database synchronize, or equivalent. ...
You are trying to paste data that exceeds the maximum width of the target column or columns. That data will be truncated. ...
You are trying to purchase more licenses than are available for your subscription. Please contact our sales organization. ...
You are trying to purchase more storage than is available for your subscription. Please contact our sales organization. {0} ...
You are trying to switch to an organization that you are not authorized to view. If you believe this is in error, try again. ...
You are trying to synchronize a Microsoft Project file with a project or quotation that has been deleted in Dynamics 365 ...
You are using a Microsoft Dynamics 365 trial subscription. You cannot add or remove storage, or purchase user licenses. To ...
You aren't allowed to run this report. If you want, you can give yourself the Time Sheet Admin. rights, and then try again.\ ...
You can access Microsoft Dynamics 365 on your web browser, but for the optimal experience, we recommend using Dynamics 365 ...