The value for the action to be performed when committed memory is exceeded is not valid. Specify a valid entry, such as "TerminateApp" or "LogEvent".
The V86_API indicates the offset to the application programming interface for use under virtual 8086 mode. These functions ...
The value entered for the Host IP must be a string less than 16 characters long, cannot be empty and must be in the form ...
The value for RenewalValidityPeriod is incorrect in CAPolicy.inf. It should be one of the following: Years, Months, Weeks ...
The value for RenewalValidityPeriod is incorrect in unattended answer file. It should be one of the following: Years, Months, ...
The value for the action to be performed when committed memory is exceeded is not valid. Specify a valid entry, such as "TerminateApp" ...
The value for the Windows System Resource Manager version specified in the .xml file is either not valid or cannot be found. ...
The value named %1 in the Microsoft Client Service for NetWare registry key %2 was invalid. The value was ignored, and processing ...
The value named %1 in the server's registry key %2 was not valid, and was ignored. If you want to change the value, change ...
The value of this property identifies the language edition of this software element. The language codes defined in ISO 639 ...