Process {0} cannot be deleted because it is either running or is in event-collection mode. You need to stop the process before attempting this operation.
Problem encountered while accessing one of the databases. This usually occurs when one of the databases is offline. Ensure ...
Process has a logical source that has the same logical device appearing twice. Logical device name: {0}. Specify valid names ...
Process {0} can be deployed or undeployed only when it is stopped. The current state is {1}. You need to stop the process ...
Process {0} cannot be changed or deleted because it is currently running. You need to stop the process before attempting ...
Process {0} cannot be deleted because it is either running or is in event-collection mode. You need to stop the process before ...
Process {0} is busy. This operation cannot be performed at this time because another operation on this process (such as StartProcess, ...
ProductName setup ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a ...
ProductName setup was interrupted. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run ...
Project names cannot be empty strings nor can they contain only '.' or have any of the following characters: ; \ / ? : @ ...