When Fail-Over Only is already set for 'MPIO Disk3' and pathId 0000000077030000 is set to Active/Optimized, to set pathId 0000000077030000 to Standby and pathId 0000000077030001 to Active/Optimized: mpclaim -l -d 3 1 0000000077030000 2 0 0 0000000077030001 0 0 0
When communicating with clients, the web service(s) uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to encrypt network traffic. ...
When communicating with clients, WS-Atomic Transactions (WS-AT) uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to encrypt network ...
When Credential Roaming is disabled, the folders in which the user's credentials are stored are automatically removed from ...
When Credential Roaming is enabled, the folders in which the user's credentials are stored are automatically added to the ...
When Fail-Over Only is already set for 'MPIO Disk3' and pathId 0000000077030000 is set to Active/Optimized, to set pathId ...
When file and printer sharing is on, files and printers that you have shared from this computer can be accessed by people ...
When forwarding events from local machine to itself, the query of the subscription can't contain target log of the subscription. ...
When generating a cross realm referal from domain %1 the KDC was not able to find the suitable key to verify the ticket. ...
When giving a presentation, your computer stays awake, system notifications are turned off, and the following settings are ...