The format in which you are attempting to output the current object is not available.@Either you are attempting to output the current object to a format that is not valid for its object type, or the formats that enable you to output data as a Microsoft Excel, rich-text format, MS-DOS text, or HTML file are missing from the Windows Registry. Run Setup to reinstall |9 or, if you're familiar with the settings in the Registry, try to correct them yourself. For more information on the Registry, click Help.@@2@1@9015@1
The form or report includes more OLE objects than |9 can display at one time.@Delete some of the bound or unbound object ...
The form or report template is open in Design view. Before creating a new form or report, close the corresponding template.@1@1 ...
The format condition number you specified is greater than the number of format conditions.@Use the Count property to count ...
The format condition Type you specified is invalid.@Valid values for the Type property are 0 to 2 for the first condition, ...
The format in which you are attempting to output the current object is not available.@Either you are attempting to output ...
The format specification for '|' is invalid.@You can't save output data to a file in this format until you correct the setting ...
The formula contains a circular reference (the calculated column refers to itself). You must remove or change the circular ...
The formula refers to a column that does not exist. Check the formula for spelling mistakes or make sure all referenced columns ...
The formula refers to a column that is not included in the current view. You must refresh the list before you can view the ...