|9 can't create this relationship and enforce referential integrity.@* The fields you chose may have different data types. * The fields may have the Number data type but not the same FieldSize property setting.@Try one of the following: * Select fields with the same data type. * Open the tables in Design view, and change the data types and field sizes so that the fields match. If you want to create the relationship without following the rules of referential integrity, clear the Enforce Referential Integrity check box.@2@1@9086@1
can't create an object of the type requested.@You are trying either to create a form from a report that has been saved as ...
can't create any more controls on this form or report.@If you have deleted controls from this form or report in the past, ...
can't create the output file.@* You may be out of disk space on the destination drive. The network may not be working. Wait ...
can't create the |1.@Either there was an error getting information from the table or query you selected, or a new |2 could ...
can't create this relationship and enforce referential integrity.@* The fields you chose may have different data types. The ...
can't create this relationship and enforce referential integrity.@Data in the table '|1' violates referential integrity rules. ...
can't create, open, or write to the index file '|1'; the information (.inf) file it uses to keep track of dBASE indexes.@The ...
can't delete all the records in the delete query.@|9 didn't delete |2 record(s) due to key violations and |3 record(s) due ...
Can't delete the ^1 work week.}The ^1 work week specifies the work week to be used when no other work week entry applies ...