%d Vector Markup Language (VML) objects will be deleted from this page. These may include drawings created with Microsoft Office drawing tools that were copied from another Microsoft Office program.
Cut on the two middle horizontal lines, and fold in. - Fold the bottom flap up. - Cut the vertical line at the top and fold ...
CV (earned value cost variance) contains the difference between how much it should have cost and how much it has actually ...
CV% (cost variance percent) contains the ratio of cost variance (CV) to budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), expressed ...
Cylinder indicator, quantitative - three horizontal cylinders with colored fill levels. This indicator type shows progress ...
d Vector Markup Language (VML) objects will be deleted from this page. These may include drawings created with Microsoft ...
Damage to the file was so extensive that repairs were not possible. Excel attempted to save your formulas and values, but ...
DAO version 3.0 is not compatible with this version of |9.@Create a reference to DAO version 3.5. For information on setting ...
Dashboard Designer could not connect to the specified data source. Verify that either the current user or Unattended Service ...
Dashboard Designer requires Microsoft Report Viewer 2008 to create a report from Microsoft Reporting Services. Microsoft ...