A copy of this document is stored on your computer. Would you like to replace your copy with the server copy containing your changes?
A content type with invalid identifier "%1" was detected during schema analysis. This list or library may have invalid content ...
A copy of the form template you selected will be saved in the project folder. If the form template was signed, the signature ...
A copy of this document is stored in a Document Workspace. Changes made to your document have not been updated in the workspace ...
A copy of this document is stored in a Document Workspace. Do you want to be able to update the workspace copy with the changes ...
A copy of this document is stored on your computer. Would you like to replace your copy with the server copy containing your ...
A copy of this document is stored on your computer. Would you like to replace your copy with the workspace copy containing ...
A copy of this file has previously been checked out to this machine. Do you want this copy to replace the previous one as ...
A copy of this file has previously been edited on this machine. Do you want this copy to replace the previous one as the ...
A copy of this file is checked out on another machine. The server copy may not contain your latest changes. Would you like ...