You are not logged onto Windows as a member of the user group that has the right to view the workstation's Virtual Memory settings.
You are missing a necessary feature. Please install Desktop Experience from the Server Manager. Then restart the computer. ...
You are modifying one or more properties that were set by the server by using automatic classification rules. As a result, ...
You are not logged on as an administrator. You must log on as an administrator to open a document with restricted permission. ...
You are not logged onto Windows as a member of the user group that has the right to view the workstation's Recovery settings. ...
You are not logged onto Windows as a member of the user group that has the right to view the workstation's Virtual Memory ...
You are resetting the password for %username%. If you do this, %username% will lose all personal certificates and stored ...
You are restarting this computer while there are other users still using it. Those users may lose data. Do you want to continue? ...
You are running a version of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (also called MSDE) that ...
You are running an out-of-date version of Adobe Reader. Adobe strongly recommends that you update this version to resolve ...