This setting determines the age threshold at which any job in a completed, non-successful state (example: Failed But Not ...

This setting determines the age threshold at which any job in a completed, non-successful state (example: Failed But Not Blocking Correlation) can be purged when the Queue Cleanup job runs. The age of each job is determined by the completed date and time. E.g. If a job was cancelled at 2/1/2007 10:41 p.m. and the Queue Cleanup job runs at 2/2/2007 11:55 p.m., then the job will not be purged (assuming the Cleanup Age Limit For Non-successful Jobs was 7 days).  Since the number of completed, non-successful jobs is usually not high, the Cleanup Age Limit For Non-successful Jobs setting is usually set to a high value of 168 (7 days).

Minimum: 1
Maximum: 100000
Default: 168 (7 days)