Specifies if the report will show detailed information from the journal lines. If you do not select this field, it shows only the information that must be reported to the tax authorities and not the lines in the journal.
Specifies if the quantity on the journal line must be applied to an already-posted entry. In that case, enter the entry number ...
Specifies if the Quantity to Handle field in the warehouse document is prefilled according to the source document quantities. ...
Specifies if the record is open, waiting to be approved, invoiced for prepayment, or released to the next stage of processing. ...
Specifies if the report only displays the information that must be reported to the tax authorities and not the lines in the ...
Specifies if the report will show detailed information from the journal lines. If you do not select this field, it shows ...
Specifies if the sales invoice that the customer leger entry behind this direct-debit collection entry applies to is open. ...
Specifies if the service is enabled. When you enable the service, at least two job queue entries are created to process the ...
Specifies if the Social Security tax amount for this entry has been paid to the Instituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale (INPS). ...
Specifies if the Task is meant to be done team-wide. Select the check box to specify that the Task applies to the entire ...