Conversion of the virtual hard disk at (%BusType;, %Bus;, %Lun;) of the virtual machine %VMName; residing on host %VMHostName; is not supported.
Contact your Virtual Machine Manager administrator to have this virtual machine associated with a user role that you are ...
Contact your Virtual Machine Manager administrator to verify that there is a two-way trust relationship between the user ...
Contact your VMM administrator to add the library share path for the ISO image to the user role (%UserRoleName;), or specify ...
Contact your VMM administrator to request at least one default virtual machine path on a volume that is suitable and available ...
Conversion of the virtual hard disk at (%BusType;, %Bus;, %Lun;) of the virtual machine %VMName; residing on host %VMHostName; ...
Convert the pass-through disks to virtual hard disks. Otherwise, remove the pass-through disks and then try the operation ...
Copies the files associated with the virtual machine to the virtual machine host that you designate. You can then start the ...
Copy %FileName; to "%FolderPath;" on the Virtual Machine Manager management server. The files are archived in %FileName;, ...
Copy the file %FileName; to "%FolderPath;" on the Virtual Machine Manager management server, run the Add-Patch cmdlet to ...