Visual Studio 2013

  1. TF262000: Team Foundation Server cannot perform any Lab Management operations because of the following internal error: {0}. ...
  2. TF262002: Team Foundation Server could not process job. The following job definition has an incorrect number of operations ...
  3. TF262003: The synchronization between Team Foundation Server and System Center Virtual Machine Manager completed, but one ...
  4. TF262004: Team Foundation Server could not delete the {0} with {1} "{2}". The system administrator might need to do it manually. ...
  5. TF262006: Team Foundation Server could not perform the job. The following job definition failed: Job ID: {0}, lab operation: ...
  6. TF262009: Team Foundation Server could not synchronize the states of environments because it lost the connection to the System ...
  7. TF262010: Team Foundation Server could not complete DNS refresh job. Following error occurred {0}. Try again or contact your ...
  8. TF262014: Team Foundation Server could start the virtual machine purge job. It failed because of internal error as it could ...
  9. TF262015: Team Foundation Server could start the virtual machine purge job. It could not get the purge list. If the problem ...
  10. TF262016: Team Foundation Server could not recover the failed operation. An internal error occurred: {0}. Try again or contact ...
  11. TF262017: Team Foundation Server could not synchronize with System Center Virtual Machine Manager because of the following ...
  12. TF262018: Team Foundation Server could not complete the background synchronization job. It could not connect to the System ...
  13. TF262019: Team Foundation Server could not unregister the following environment that uses test controller: {0} uses {1}. ...
  14. TF262020: Team Foundation Server could not unregister the build service hosts with the following URIs: "{0}". Contact your ...
  15. TF262021: Team Foundation Server could not delete the virtual machine with ID: {0}. Confirm that the virtual machine is in ...
  16. TF262022: Team Foundation Server could not delete the DNS Record with name "{0}" and IP address "{1}". Contact your system ...
  17. TF26204: The account you entered is not recognized. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator to add your account. ...
  18. TF26212: Team Foundation Server could not save your changes. There may be problems with the work item type definition, or ...
  19. TF262564: Team Foundation Server could not update the description on the following: {0} with {1} "{2}". Contact your administrator ...
  20. TF262565: Team Foundation Server could not remove the lab configurations (if they were present) from the following virtual ...
  21. TF262600: This SharePoint site was created using a site definition that requires data from Team Foundation Server. However, ...
  22. TF262601: You attempted to add a SharePoint Feature to the site, but that feature requires data from Team Foundation Server. ...
  23. TF262xxx: Team Foundation Server encountered the following internal error and could not delete all out-of-date operations: ...
  24. TF264001: Cannot display the requested page because the required XSL file cannot be verified, is missing, or has been changed. ...
  25. TF266002: Team Foundation Server could not delete the build agents. In the 'Manage Build Controllers' dialog in Visual Studio ...
  26. TF266005: The workflow capability on the following environment might need to be re-configured using Microsoft Test Manager ...
  27. TF266006: The environment is not ready to run workflows because Team Foundation Server cannot find the following build controller: ...
  28. TF266008: The environment is not ready to run workflows because it was updated by a team project collection maintenance operation. ...
  29. TF266010: Team Foundation Server encountered the following error while updating the workflow capability on environment '{0}': ...
  30. TF266012: Team Foundation Server encountered errors while updating the workflow capability on one or more environments. For ...
  31. TF266018: The environment is not ready to run workflows because the following error occurred during a team project collection ...
  32. TF266032: The URI used to query the build agent is not valid. Make sure the URI is correct, and then try the operation again. ...
  33. TF266036: Team Foundation Server cannot perform this operation because another operation is in progress on environment {0}. ...
  34. TF267004: The environment is not ready to run tests. Repair testing capability to fix this. Alternatively connect to each ...
  35. TF267016: All machines in this environment are not configured to run tests because they are not connected to an external ...
  36. TF268000: The following URL or server name cannot be resolved to a server that is running Team Foundation Server: {0}. If ...
  37. TF270000: The TFSBuild workflow activity cannot continue because it requires a build targets file that is version {0} or ...
  38. TF270006: The drop location for this build was empty. The build definition '{0}' (or the build request) must specify a valid ...
  39. TF270009: The MSTestActivity was invoked without a value for Platform and/or Flavor. Default values could not be used because ...
  40. TF270010: The MSTestActivity was invoked without a value for Platform. A default value could not be used because no projects ...
  41. TF270011: The MSTestActivity was invoked without a value for Flavor. A default value could not be used because no projects ...
  42. TF270013: SharedResourceScopeActivity '{0}' failed because the shared resource lock on '{1}' expired. The ExpirationTime ...
  43. TF272000: The service connection strings contain a value that is not valid. To fix this error, you must correctly remap the ...
  44. TF272001: The connection strings for the service host could not be fixed. The most common reason for this error is that the ...
  45. TF273000: The network agent encountered an error and exited. The agent will retry the operations. For more information, open ...
  46. TF273001: The network agent encountered an intermittent error and will retry the operations. For more information, open the ...
  47. TF273002: The network agent encountered an error and skipped one or more commands. Stop and then restart the environment. ...
  48. TF273003: The network agent cannot understand the following: (%1). Make sure that the versions of Team Foundation Server ...
  49. TF273xxx: The version of the network agent installed on this virtual machine (%1) is not compatible with the version Team ...
  50. TF275016: Unable to set the team project host group permissions for group '{0}' in project '{1}'. Failure Reason: {2}. Run ...
  51. TF275017: Unable to set the team project library share permissions for group '{0}' in project '{1}'. Failure Reason: {2}. ...
  52. TF275023: Team Foundation Server was unable to opt out of Lab Management SQM collection. You can opt out of the same via ...
  53. TF275024: Team Foundation Server encountered an error while cleaning up the workflow capability on the lab environments belonging ...
  54. TF276000: The current Analysis Database Sync job has exited without making any changes. Either another Analysis Database ...
  55. TF277000: A build process template for '{0}' already exists for team project {1}. You cannot create another build process ...
  56. TF277005: Access denied. {0} needs the {1} privilege to perform this action. For more information, contact the Team Foundation ...
  57. TF279000: User {0} does not have permission to add the service account to the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group. ...
  58. TF281000: An error occurred while retrieving enterprise custom field data to support the integration of Team Foundation Server ...
  59. TF281001: An error occurred while retrieving data contained in a lookup table that supports the integration of Team Foundation ...
  60. TF281002: Duplicate team project collection ID entries, {0}, were detected in lookup table: {1}. Contact your administrator ...
  61. TF281004: The version for the following PWA instance is not valid or could not be determined: {0}. See ...
  62. TF282800: Unable to find the following enterprise custom field during synchronization: 'WorkItemType'. Request that your ...
  63. TF282801: Unable to find enterprise custom field in assignment data that was returned from Project Server during synchronization. ...
  64. TF282802: Unable to find enterprise custom field in task data that was returned from Project Server during synchronization. ...
  65. TF282803: Unable to find enterprise custom field in task data returned from Project Server during synchronization. Field ...
  66. TF282805: Detected an invalid enterprise project during synchronization. Determine if the enterprise project has been removed ...
  67. TF282806: Unable to find task or assignment with identity {0}. The most likely cause is that the item has been deleted from ...
  68. TF282808: An error occurred when sending status update to Project Server during synchronization. Returned error code: "{0}". ...
  69. TF282809: An error occurred when sending status update to Project Server during synchronization. Contact your Project Server ...
  70. TF282810: Synchronization between the current team project collection and the following PWA instance is blocked: '{0}'. The ...
  71. TF285002: The URL specified for the PWA instance is not valid. Verify the URL is valid. Otherwise, the server might not be ...
  72. TF285003: The type value is not valid for custom field lookup: {0}. Check the field mapping and re-map the team project collection ...
  73. TF285004: The GUID assignment is not valid for item with ID: {0}. Contact your Project Server administrator to determine ...
  74. TF285005: You have not assigned a user to this work item or one or more child items in the linked hierarchy. You must assign ...
  75. TF285006: The task name is not valid for item with ID: {0}. If the task has been removed from Project Server, this error ...