Visual Studio 2013

  1. Creates, modifies, or displays information about the mappings between your workspace folders and the Team Foundation version ...
  2. Creates/Updates test management tests for tests in the storage file. You can have these added to a TestSuite by specifying ...
  3. Creating a new Office Business App requires that SharePoint Tools be installed. Please repair Visual Studio and ensure that ...
  4. Creating a sub-project with the name {0} has failed. The multi-project solution could not be properly created, and may not ...
  5. creation of an std::initializer_list object in a field initializer is unlikely to work as expected because the underlying ...
  6. Creation of environment involves copying virtual machines and installation of Test Agent. Depending on the number and size ...
  7. Creation of the full-text index is not available. Check that you have the correct permissions or that full-text catalogs ...
  8. Creation of the virtual directory '{0}' failed with the error: {1}. You will need to manually create this virtual directory ...
  9. CType function Returns the result of explicitly converting an expression to a specified data type, object, structure, class, ...
  10. Culture to use for Code Analysis spelling rules, for example, 'en-US' or 'en-AU'. The default is the current user interface ...
  11. Current line is automatically indented by the amount specified on the C/C++ Tabs option page when a tab is typed and no text ...
  12. Currently analyzing report. This process may take several minutes depending on the amount of information collected from your ...
  13. Currently browser extensions are disabled in Internet Explorer. This prevents the Web Test Recorder from starting automatically, ...
  14. Currently no tests are available to display in Test Case Manager. In order to view tests, you must connect to Team Foundation ...
  15. Currently no tests are available to display in Test Case Manager. In order to view tests, you must select an active project ...
  16. Currently no tests are available to display in Test View. In order to view and run tests, you must either open existing tests ...
  17. Custom keyword Specifies that an event has additional, specialized code for adding handlers, removing handlers, and raising ...
  18. Custom properties for the client web part. App users can configure custom properties to change the appearance and behavior ...
  19. Custom stored property {0} is not handled by the SetValueForCustomStoredProperty method of {1} or one of its base classes. ...
  20. Customization of the operating system is either scheduled or in progress. Configuring of the build service will begin after ...
  21. Customizes the environment to improve the visibility of commands and options that are most relevant to developing apps using ...
  22. Customizes the environment to maximize code editor screen space and improve the visibility of commands specific to C#. Increases ...
  23. Customizes the environment to maximize code editor screen space and improve the visibility of F# commands and tool windows. ...
  24. Customizes the environment's menus, windows, and help, for working with team projects. These settings are useful for working ...
  25. d occurrence(s) replaced. Additional occurrences were found in an open designer or editor that does not support the Replace ...
  26. Data and diagnostics collection was aborted. To re-enable collection, review and fix the errors, make sure the test agents ...
  27. Data collection from implicit files is disabled for the IntelliSense browsing database. System header files will not be read ...
  28. Data collection will be stopped for current test run. WCF Communication channel with DataCollection service is unavailable. ...
  29. Data context is set to sample data above and first item in sample data collection below and LayoutRoot contains the root ...
  30. Data Execution Prevention (DEP) : Indicates that an executable was tested to be compatible with the Windows Data Execution ...
  31. Data has changed since the Results pane was last retrieved. Do you want to save your changes now? (Optimistic Concurrency ...
  32. Data in all views has been filtered according to your filter query criteria. To show all data, clear the filter and execute ...
  33. Data inside this minidump was filtered when the dump was created and mixed mode debugging cannot continue. Click OK to continue ...
  34. Data Provider information could not be retrieved for this computer. Please check your machine.config for installed Data Providers. ...
  35. Data service '{0}' cannot be included in the list of data services to save as it does not belong to the screen data workspace. ...
  36. Data service '{0}' has changes that will not be saved. To modify the collection of data services that can be saved, implement ...
  37. Data table has no primary key columns or no valid columns for static data. No script to insert static data will be generated. ...
  38. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments because more than one type is possible. Specifying ...
  39. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments because they do not convert to the same type. ...
  40. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments because they do not convert to the same type. ...
  41. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments. Specifying the data type(s) explicitly might ...
  42. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method '|2' defined in '|3' cannot be inferred from these arguments because ...
  43. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method '|2' defined in '|3' cannot be inferred from these arguments because ...
  44. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method '|2' defined in '|3' cannot be inferred from these arguments because ...
  45. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method '|2' defined in '|3' cannot be inferred from these arguments because ...
  46. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method '|2' defined in '|3' cannot be inferred from these arguments. Specifying ...
  47. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in method '|2' cannot be inferred from these arguments because more than one type is ...
  48. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in method '|2' cannot be inferred from these arguments because more than one type is ...
  49. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in method '|2' cannot be inferred from these arguments because they do not convert ...
  50. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in method '|2' cannot be inferred from these arguments because they do not convert ...
  51. Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in method '|2' cannot be inferred from these arguments. Specifying the data type(s) ...
  52. Database back-up confirmation is required to import. Ensure that you have backed up your databases and run the command with ...
  53. Database label controls the names of the configuration databases. Database name will be Tfs_ Configuration, Tfs_ Warehouse ...
  54. Database {0} already exists, but does not have the correct export stamp for this import operation. Either drop or rename ...
  55. DataContext is not set in markup. You can set the design-time DataContext by selecting an object and then clicking Set design-time ...
  56. DataContext is not set in markup. You can set the design-time DataContext by selecting an object and then clicking Set design-time ...
  57. Date (UTC): {1} Machine: {2} Application Domain: {3} Assembly: {4} Process Details: Process Name: {5} Process Id: {6} Thread ...
  58. Date (UTC): {1} Machine: {2} Application Domain: {3} Assembly: {4} Process Details: Process Name: {5} Process Id: {6} Thread ...
  59. Date (UTC): {1} Machine: {2} Application Domain: {3} Assembly: {4} Service Host: {5} Process Details: Process Name: {6} Process ...
  60. Date (UTC): {1} Machine: {2} Application Domain: {3} Assembly: {4} Service Host: {5} Process Details: Process Name: {6} Process ...
  61. Date Format string specifies the .Net standard custom format specifier pattern to be used for storing the date. For example ...
  62. Deactivates the specified link type. Users will no longer be able to create new links with this type. Existing links of this ...
  63. Debug information could not be found for target assembly '{0}'. For best analysis results, include the .pdb file with debug ...
  64. Debug Information Format : Specifies the type of debugging information generated by the compiler. You must also change linker ...
  65. Debug request failure: test run '{0}' was not started under debugger. Please use DebugRequestMessage only for test runs started ...
  66. Debug Settings : Provides a pointer to the object containing the debug settings information for the selected configuration. ...
  67. Debugger Type : Specifies the debugger type to use. When set to Auto, the debugger type will be selected based on contents ...
  68. Debugging a 64-bit dump of a 32-bit process requires full heap information. Please collect a 32-bit dump of a 32-bit process. ...
  69. Debugging is being stopped but is not yet complete. You can force debugging to stop immediately, but any processes being ...
  70. Debugging managed or mixed-mode minidumps is not supported on IA64 platforms. Specify 'Native' for the 'Debugger Type' in ...
  71. Debugging requires the IIS Management Console. To install, go to Control Panel->Programs->Turn Windows features on or off. ...
  72. Debugging tests running on a remote computer or with code coverage enabled is not supported. The tests will run under the ...
  73. Debugging this project is not supported. Ensure that there is at least one SharePoint project item in the project and the ...
  74. Debugging using the Default transport is not possible because the remote machine has 'Share-level access control' enabled. ...
  75. Declares a global XML namespace prefix that can be used within XML literals and XML properties. You can declare the default ...