SQL Server 2016

  1. Xml schema collection referenced by column '%1!s!' of table variable '%2!s!' has been dropped or altered during the execution ...
  2. XML Validation: Element '%1!s!' may not have xsi:nil="true" because it was not defined as nillable or because it has a fixed ...
  3. XML Validation: Element '%1!s!' must not have character or element children, because xsi:nil was set to true. %2!s! %3!s! ...
  4. XML Validation: Element or attribute '%1!s!' was defined as fixed, the element value has to be equal to value of 'fixed' ...
  5. XML Validation: IDREF constraint check failed. Found attribute named '%1!s!' with reference to ID value '%2!s!', which does ...
  6. XML Validation: Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not currently support inclusion of ID, QName, or list ...
  7. XML Validation: Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not currently support the use of the pattern or enumeration ...
  8. XML Validation: Text node is not allowed at this location, the type was defined with element only content or with simple ...
  9. XML Validation: The canonical form of the value '%1!s!' is not valid according to the specified type. This can result from ...
  10. XML Validation: The canonical form of the value '%1!s!' is not valid according to the specified type. This can result from ...
  11. XML Validation: The content model of type or model group '%1!s!' is ambiguous and thus violates the unique particle attribution ...
  12. XML Validation: The element '%1!s!' is mixed content with a fixed value and therefore not allowed to have element content. ...
  13. XML Validation: The type of element '%1!s!' is abstract. Instantiation requires the use of xsi:type to specify a non-abstract ...
  14. XML Validation: Type definition for type '%1!s!' was not found, type definition is required before use in a type cast. %2!s! ...
  15. XML Validation: XML instances of the content model of type or model group '%1!s!' can be validated in multiple ways and are ...
  16. XML well-formedness check: Attribute cannot appear outside of element declaration. Rewrite your XQuery so it returns well-formed ...
  17. XML well-formedness check: XML namespace declaration cannot appear outside of element declaration. Rewrite your XQuery so ...
  18. xml' is an invalid XML processing instruction target. Possible attempt to construct XML declaration using XML processing ...
  19. XMLDATA does not support the mapping of the type of column '%1!s!' to an XDR type. Please use XMLSCHEMA instead for AUTO ...
  20. XPath: only direct object access may select an attribute. Either change the XPath to select an element, or else use direct ...
  21. XQuery: Cannot update with value '%1!s!' as the canonical form of type '{%2!s!}%3!s!' violates the required pattern. It is ...
  22. XQuery: Replacing the value of a node with an empty sequence is allowed only if '()' is used as the new value expression. ...
  23. XQuery: The maximum allowed depth in XML instances is %1!s! levels. One of the paths in the query tries to access nodes at ...
  24. XQuery: The name or one of the parts of a multi-part name supplied to %1!s!('%2!s!') is empty. Empty names cannot be used ...
  25. XQuery: The name or one of the parts of a multi-part name that starts with '%1!s!' supplied to %2!s!() is not a valid SQL ...
  26. XQuery: The name or one of the parts of a multi-part name that starts with '%1!s!' supplied to %2!s!() is not a valid SQL ...
  27. XQuery: The name supplied to sql:variable('%1!s!') is not a valid SQL variable name. Variable names must start with the '@' ...
  28. XTP physical database was stopped while processing log record ID %1!s! for database '%2!s!'. No further action is necessary. ...
  29. Year over year growth % allows you to view the data for the current period as a percentage of the same period in the previous ...
  30. Year over year growth allows you to view the difference between the current period and the same period in the previous year. ...
  31. Yes, generate a full backup of the primary database and restore it into the secondary database (and create the secondary ...
  32. Yes, restore an existing backup of the primary database into the secondary database (and create the secondary database if ...
  33. You are about to change the Chart Area auto positioning property. Changing a single Chart Area auto positioning may cause ...
  34. You are about to change the TargetServerVersion property to {0} of this project. If your project contains extensions that ...
  35. You are about to copy object from the previous version of SSDT-BI designer which is not recommended. Are you sure you want ...
  36. You are about to delete all policy health states on the selected object and all its sub-objects. This action cannot be reverted. ...
  37. You are about to delete all policy health states on the selected objects and all their sub-objects. This action cannot be ...
  38. You are about to leave the panel without applying your changes. Press OK to leave the panel or Cancel to go back and apply ...
  39. You are about to replace the data in the existing table. Preview the data you are pasting and verify that the structure (including ...
  40. You are about to replace the data in the existing table. Preview the data you are pasting and verify that the structure (including ...
  41. You are about to save maintenance plan "{0}" in a new format. Earlier versions of SQL Server Tools do not support the new ...
  42. You are about to save maintenance plan in a new format. Earlier versions of SQL Server Tools do not support the new format. ...
  43. You are attempting to access PowerPivot data that was added using a newer version of PowerPivot. This action is not supported, ...
  44. You are attempting to import a data feed into the selected workbook, but another import operation is already in progress. ...
  45. You are changing the source of {0} to Excel table {1}. Changing the source will remove all formatting, measures, KPIs, hierarchies, ...
  46. You are currently the only administrator for this entity. Users are not allowed to approve their own changes. To change the ...
  47. You are going to delete the '{0}' reference data service provider. It will be permanently lost. Are you sure you would like ...
  48. You are not logged on as the database owner or system administrator. You might not be able to save changes to tables that ...
  49. You are not the owner specified for the object '%1!s!' in this statement (CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE, UPDATE STATISTICS or BULK ...
  50. You are tracing an instance of SQL Server earlier than SQL Server 2005. In order for trace definition changes to take effect ...
  51. You are trying to connect to {0} server running in tabular mode using the Tabular Model Designer. The option to open an Analysis ...
  52. You are trying to validate more data than the limit set in Master Data Services Configuration Manager. Validation will occur ...
  53. You attempted to use the third party algorithm '{0}'. Third party algorithms are not supported in this edition of Analysis ...
  54. You can add any login to the publication access list that has access to database '{0}' and that is defined at both the Publisher ...
  55. You can allow online processing of DML statements while moving a clustered index to another filegroup or partition scheme. ...
  56. You can analyze index fragmentation using Total Fragmentation. Total Fragmentation indicates the percentage of logical fragmentation ...
  57. You can analyze index fragmentation using Total Fragmentation. Total Fragmentation indicates the percentage of logical fragmentation ...
  58. You can apply filters (also called predicates) on events to limit the data you want to capture. You can specify filter options ...
  59. You can capture global fields (also called actions), which are common to all events. Select the global fields you want to ...
  60. You can create a data mining dimension based on the results of the mining model. Optionally, you can also create a virtual ...
  61. You can create a new connection to a data source or you can use a connection that already exists. Models in DirectQuery mode ...
  62. You can customize the default CREATE TABLE statement. However, after you have customized the statement, you must manually ...
  63. You can edit the title and description before you publish. Publishing a dataset creates a shared dataset. If you publish ...
  64. You can either import all of the data from tables or views that you specify, or you can write a query using SQL that specifies ...
  65. You can either keep any existing installed components on your system to continue this installation at a later time or you ...
  66. You can either keep any existing installed elements on your system to continue this installation at a later time or you can ...
  67. You can enable subscriptions for use in Synchronization Manager programmatically through the replication ActiveX controls ...
  68. You can export registered server information to a file for later import to a server group. You can export the entire group ...
  69. You can filter the publication so that different Subscribers receive different partitions of the data. To do this, build ...
  70. You can finish this wizard at any time by clicking Finish. If you decide to do so before the last step, the system will determine ...
  71. You can import customized user settings from SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. Be aware that some default settings might ...
  72. You can import customized user settings from SQL Server 2008 Management Studio. Be aware that some default settings might ...
  73. You can integrate this SharePoint environment with an instance of SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services or SQL Server 2008 ...
  74. You can manage the encryption key by creating a backup. If you migrate or move the Integration Services catalog to another ...
  75. You can map parameters of the target report to either a default value, a custom value, or one of the parameters of this report. ...