Dynamics AX 2012

  1. Setup cannot continue. You must set a value for the parameter {0} when {1} needs to be installed as a prerequisite to installing ...
  2. Setup cannot create a database on server {0} because the server's default collation is incorrect. Its collation is '{1}'. ...
  3. Setup cannot find the data to create the default Enterprise Portal site in the {0} file. Re-create this file in the AOT in ...
  4. Setup cannot install another Application Object Server (AOS) instance on this computer. No more than {0} AOS instances can ...
  5. Setup cannot proceed because of the following errors: -This product requires IIS 6.0 or higher. Install the component and ...
  6. Setup cannot start the AOS automatically after installation completes if you selected the option to register a database for ...
  7. Setup cannot use the database {0} on server {1} because its collation is incorrect. Its collation is '{2}'. The collation ...
  8. Setup could not be completed. If any component cannot be installed because of an error, no components after it are installed. ...
  9. Setup could not be completed. When a component cannot be updated due to an error, the components after it are not updated. ...
  10. Setup could not complete the current request to update the Web server configuration file for expression {0}. There are no ...
  11. Setup could not complete the current request to update the Web server configuration file for Provider {0}. There are no providers ...
  12. Setup could not complete the uninstallation of AIF Web services because the registry value {0} was not found or did not identify ...
  13. Setup could not completely uninstall Workflow because the registry value SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dynamics\4.1\Setup\Workflow\WorkflowWebsite ...
  14. Setup could not connect to the Application File Server to grant the AOS Service account {0} rights to the folder {1}. The ...
  15. Setup could not connect to the web site. Tried both {0} and {1}. This could be due to the site or its application pool not ...
  16. Setup could not create a URL reservation for port {0}. Run the AOS installation again and select a different port number, ...
  17. Setup could not create the new Enterprise Portal Web site. The application pool associated with the virtual server {0} is ...
  18. Setup could not find a required folder for region '{0}'. It should be under '{1}' and have a name that starts with the letters ...
  19. Setup could not find Message Queuing on the specified computer. Specify a different computer, or install Message Queuing. ...
  20. Setup could not get the owner login from System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity to create a new Enterprise Portal Site. ...
  21. Setup could not install the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6 Metabase Compatibility feature because of an internal error. ...
  22. Setup could not update the AJAX assembly entry in the Web configuration file. The AJAX assembly name is the invalid string: ...
  23. Setup could not update the Expression Builder entry in Web server configuration file. The Expression Builder name or type ...
  24. Setup could not update the Provider entry in the Web server configuration file. The provider name or type is an invalid string. ...
  25. Setup detected an existing Application Object Server instance named '{0}'. Instance names must be unique. Enter another name. ...
  26. Setup detected existing files in the application files instance specific installation folder {0}. The folder must be empty ...
  27. Setup detected existing files in the instance specific folder for the application files {0}. The folder must be empty for ...
  28. Setup detected that files in the application folder \"{0}\" are in use. Please stop all the Application Object Servers using ...
  29. Setup detected that you are installing {0}, but Windows Internet Information Services (IIS) version 6.0 or 7.0 is not installed ...
  30. Setup determined that the executable '{0}' does not exist or the caller does not have the required permission to do this ...
  31. Setup did not download any updates from the Microsoft Update service. To download and apply updates manually, use the Windows ...
  32. Setup encountered an error when attempting to retrieve the list of SQL Server Analysis Services instances. See the Setup ...
  33. Setup encountered an error when attempting to retrieve the list of SQL Server Analysis Services instances. Verify that the ...
  34. Setup encountered an error when attempting to retrieve the list of SQL Server Analysis Services instances. Verify that you ...
  35. Setup encountered an internal error while installing the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6 Metabase Compatibility feature. ...
  36. Setup failed trying to get information for the Windows service {0} on computer {1}. Verify that the service exists and that ...
  37. Setup found an invalid record format in the AxSetup lists file {0}, record {1}, section '{2}'. Field {3} cannot be: '{4}'. ...
  38. Setup found an invalid record format was found in file {0}, line {1}. The line should contain {2} values separated by tabs. ...
  39. Setup found the account that is already configured for use with the synchronization service. Enter the password for this ...
  40. Setup has detected an earlier version of this product on this computer. Setup will not upgrade the previous installation ...
  41. Setup has detected that some of the selected model files do not have a digital signature. Setup cannot verify the publisher ...
  42. Setup has detected that the following update(s) cannot be applied, because they depend on updates that have not been included ...
  43. Setup has detected that there is already help content for Microsoft Dynamics AX on this computer. Use the Programs and Features ...
  44. Setup has detected that you are installing Enterprise Portal on a version of {0} that is not supported for Microsoft Dynamics ...
  45. Setup has detected that you are installing on a 64-bit operating system. Some components have only a 32-bit version, and ...
  46. Setup has detected that you are installing {0} on an operating system that is not supported for Microsoft Dynamics AX. The ...
  47. Setup has detected that you are installing {0} on an operating system that is not supported for Microsoft Dynamics AX. The ...
  48. Setup has detected the following configurations. Select the configuration that should be used to connect to the application ...
  49. Setup is not able to perform a site upgrade. Verify that you have completed all items on the Initialization or Upgrade checklist. ...
  50. Setup was unable to apply updates from the Microsoft Update service. Error: {0}. To apply the updates manually, use the Windows ...
  51. Setup was unable to create PerformanceCounterCategory '{0}'. Check your documentation on how to install the performance counters ...
  52. Setup was unable to initialize performance counter '{0}'. Check your documentation on how to install the performance counters ...
  53. Setup will also attempt to download and apply updates for Microsoft Dynamics AX components. Internet access is required to ...
  54. Setup will create a virtual directory for Web services under the selected Web site. The application pool for the virtual ...
  55. Setup will create a virtual directory for Workflow under the selected Web site. The application pool for the virtual directory ...
  56. Setup will create or update a SharePoint web application and site collection. The files and templates will be deployed at ...
  57. Setup will help you install Microsoft Dynamics AX components. We recommend that you exit any programs that are currently ...
  58. Setup will help you install Microsoft Dynamics AX components. We recommend that you exit any programs that are currently ...
  59. Setup will help you install {0}. Before proceeding we recommend that you exit any programs that are currently running. To ...
  60. Shared category identification that is used in Project management and accounting, Production control, or Travel and expense ...
  61. Shared category is not set to be used in %1. You must mark the Can be used in %1' checkbox in the Shared categories setup. ...
  62. SharePoint Search includes functionality to crawl and index content and provides a user interface for running queries against ...
  63. Shipment date on the order line exceeds the shipment date of the first delivery line. Do you want to run delivery date control ...
  64. Shipment line with order number %1 has a warehouse assigned which is not part of the reservation sequence. The line cannot ...
  65. Shipping charges for packing slip %1 for sales order %2 were not retrieved. Process the shipping charges for this invoice, ...
  66. Should currency code for open sales orders and open free text invoices be updated if a customer currency code is changed ...
  67. Should the first available resource where the job has no work time interval between itself and the previously scheduled job ...
  68. Should the value calculated in a row structure or the value manually specified here be used while generating financial statement ...
  69. Should the website support Microsoft Outlook Weblets? (Should be set to No if Microsoft Outlook is not installed on the server.) ...
  70. Show an icon if actual invoice total is greater than expected total or if actual total is greater than or less than expected ...
  71. Show charges matching icon if amount variance is greater than tolerance or if variance is greater than or less than tolerance ...
  72. Show this field's value on summary part of section header. Default value is Auto, which means to show or not to show is determined ...
  73. Shows the totals of the quotation for volume (quantity, weight, and cubic content), discounts, sales tax, charges, and so ...
  74. Since no indexes exist for table '%2', the kernel will internally enable the 'CreateRecIDIndex' table-property and use the ...
  75. Since no unique index exists for table '%2', the kernel will internally make index '%3' unique and use that. At least one ...