SQL Server 2016

  1. The cluster group '{0}' contains resource '{1}' of type '{2}' that are not permitted in a SQL cluster group. Ensure the cluster ...
  2. The cluster group cannot be determined for the instance name '{0}'. This indicates there is a problem with the product registry ...
  3. The cluster group name cannot be null or empty and cannot contain ' or \. To continue, specify a valid group name and retry, ...
  4. The cluster group name for group '{0}' could not be determined. Error: {1}. Ensure that the name you provided is correct, ...
  5. The cluster group type for group '{0}' could not be determined. Error: {1}. Ensure that the group name you provided is correct, ...
  6. The Cluster Group {0} is active on the node where SQL Server Setup is running. To continue, the group must be either be owned ...
  7. The Cluster Group {0} is not owned by the node where SQL Server Setup is running. To continue, run Setup again on the node ...
  8. The cluster network '{0}' does not have a bound IPv4 address which indicates IPv4 is not supported for that network. Bind ...
  9. The cluster network '{0}' does not have a bound IPv6 address which indicates IPv6 is not supported for that network. Bind ...
  10. The cluster network name '{0}' could not be taken offline. To continue, take the network name offline before you delete it. ...
  11. The cluster node name '{0}' is invalid. The specified computer is not a cluster node in this SQL Server failover cluster. ...
  12. The cluster on this computer does not have a shared disk available. To continue, at least one shared disk must be available. ...
  13. The cluster operation cannot be completed because no clustered feature is available. The failover cluster name cannot be ...
  14. The cluster resource '{0}' could not be brought online due to an error bringing the dependency resource '{1}' online. Refer ...
  15. The cluster resource with type '{0}' and property '{1}' = '{2}'could not be found on the cluster. Please check if it exists. ...
  16. The Cluster Service function call '%1!s!' failed with error code '%2!s!' while verifying the file path. Verify that your ...
  17. The clustered index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' cannot be disabled because the table has change tracking enabled. Disable change ...
  18. The clustered index '{0}.{1}.{2}' will not be scripted for article '{3}' because it references the unpublished column '{4}'. ...
  19. The clustered index on materialized view '%1!s!' may not contain nullable columns if it is to be published using the transaction-based ...
  20. The clustering method the algorithm uses can be either: Scalable EM (1), Non-scalable EM (2), Scalable K-means (3), or Non-scalable ...
  21. The ClusterProbability function returns the probability of the input case belonging to the specified (or most likely) cluster. ...
  22. The code page %1!d! specified on column "%2!s!" (%3!d!) is not supported. You must first convert this column to DT_WSTR which ...
  23. The code page %1!d! specified on output column "%2!s!" (%3!d!) is not valid. Select a different code page for output column ...
  24. The code pages do not match in a binary operation. The code page of the left operand does not match the code page of the ...
  25. The code pages do not match in a conditional operation. The code page of the left operand does not match the code page of ...
  26. The code pages for operands of binary operator "%1!s!" for type "%2!s!" must match. Currently, the code page of the left ...
  27. The code pages must match for operands of conditional operation "%1!s!" for type %2!s!. The code page of the left operand ...
  28. The code pages of the DT_STR source column "%1!s!" and the DT_STR dest column "%2!s!" do not match. This may cause unexpected ...
  29. The COLLATE CATALOG_DEFAULT clause cannot be used in a constraint, computed column, index filter expression, or any schema-bound ...
  30. The collation you specified does not support the supplementary characters flag. To proceed, specify a Windows collation version ...
  31. The collection in the projection is of type '{0}'. For a collection to be materialized to a projection, it must be of type ...
  32. The collection navigation property '{0}' of type '{1}' returned null. For a collection to be initialized automatically, it ...
  33. The column "%1!s!" (%2!d!) cannot be matched to any input file column. The output column name or input column name cannot ...
  34. The column "%1!s!" at index %2!d! in the flat file connection manager was not found at index %3!d! in the column collection ...
  35. The column "%1!s!" in the pre-built index "%2!s!" was not found in the reference table/query. This happens if the schema/query ...
  36. The column '%1!s!' cannot be added to a full-text index. Full-text indexes are limited to 1024 columns. When you create a ...
  37. The column '%1!s!' cannot be added to table '%2!s!' as it is a FileTable. Adding columns to the fixed schema of a FileTable ...
  38. The column '%1!s!' could not be added to table '%2!s!' because the column contains filestream data and the table is referenced ...
  39. The column '%1!s!' does not have a valid data type for the ORDER hint specified for data source '%2!s!'. The text, ntext, ...
  40. The column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is involved in a foreign key relationship with a column in table '%3!s!', but this column ...
  41. The column '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' cannot be referenced in a CHECK constraint or computed column definition because ...
  42. The column '%1!s!' of the object '%2!s!' is encrypted. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support encrypted ...
  44. The column '%1!s!' that was returned from the nodes() method cannot be used directly. It can only be used with one of the ...
  45. The column '%{column/}' in table '%{table/}' has the SortByColumn property set to column '%{name/}' which belongs to table ...
  46. The column '%{column/}' in table '%{table/}' has the SortByColumn property set to column '%{name/}' which has been deleted. ...
  47. The column '%{IMBIColumnId/}', in the table '%{IMBITableId/}', has attribute hierarchy with column usage set to DAX Usage, ...
  48. The column '%{IMBIColumnId/}', in the table '%{IMBITableId/}', has property Column Usage set to DAX Usage, and this requires ...
  49. The column '%{table/}[%{column/}]' cannot be of type Empty. The Empty data type can only be set on a column if the column ...
  50. The column '%{table/}[%{column/}]' doesn't have a relationship to table '%{maintable/}' which is used in the decision tree ...
  51. The column '%{table/}[%{column/}]' either doesn't exist or doesn't have a relationship to any table available in the current ...
  52. The column '%{table/}[%{column/}].[%{variation/}]' either doesn't exist or doesn't have a relationship to any table available ...
  53. The column '{0}' is mapped to a domain that is marked to be indexed as a single value, which has a limitation of 900 characters. ...
  54. The column '{0}' that was returned from the nodes() method cannot be used directly. It can only be used with one of the four ...
  55. The column contains mixed data types and the data was pasted as text. PowerPivot can automatically add a calculated column ...
  56. The column encryption key has been successfully decrypted but its length: %2!s! does not match the length: %3!s! for the ...
  57. The column msrepl_tran_version has been predefined and allows NULLs. This column will be dropped and recreated to not allow ...
  58. The column name "{0}" cannot be used as a column name for DataTable "{1}" since it is identical to another DataColumn ColumnName ...
  59. The column name "{0}" specified in the UNPIVOT operator conflicts with the existing column name in the UNPIVOT argument. ...
  60. The column name '%1!s!' is specified more than once in the SET clause or column list of an INSERT. A column cannot be assigned ...
  61. The column name '{0}' is specified more than once in the SET clause or column list of an INSERT. A column cannot be assigned ...
  62. The column name '{0}' is specified more than once in the SET clause. A column cannot be assigned more than one value in the ...
  63. The column name '{0}' is specified more than once in the SET clause. A column cannot be assigned more than one value in the ...
  64. The column or parameter '%1!s!' uses a data type not supported by SOAP. SOAP only supports data types supported in SQL Server ...
  65. The Column property of the {0} refers to the {1}, which has the data type Binary. The Column property of an Entity cannot ...
  66. The column reference "%1!s!.%2!s!" is not allowed because it refers to a base table that is not being modified in this statement. ...
  67. The column referenced as '%1!s!' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%2!s!' than in the current metadata ...
  68. The column referenced by the PerspectiveColumn '%{perspcolumn/}' in table '%{persptable/}' in perspective '%{persp/}' cannot ...
  69. The column that was returned from the nodes() method cannot be converted to the data type %1!s!. It can only be used with ...
  70. The column with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name of '%{propertyname/}' referred to by the '%{aggregationdimension/}' table cannot ...
  71. The column you selected to be the Row Identifier does not contain unique values. Select a column that contains unique values ...
  72. The column's data type is about to be changed. This will affect how data is stored and can impact data precision or result ...
  73. The column, '{0}', cannot be used as the time stamp because it contains null values. Choose a column that does not contain ...
  74. The columns and types of the DATATABLE function do not appear to be correctly paired (the number of arguments must be odd). ...
  75. The columns are defined by fixed widths. An extra column, delimited by the new line characters, is added to define row delimiters. ...