Unable to resolve orphan EntityInstance (RetailChannelTable) for DimensionAttributeValue(s) with RecId(s) %1]. All DimensionAttributeValues ...

Unable to resolve orphan EntityInstance (RetailChannelTable) for DimensionAttributeValue(s) with RecId(s) [%1].
All DimensionAttributeValues for DimensionAttributes where the underlying view is based on Retail Channel must have 
the DimensionAttributeValue.EntityInstance value pointing to a known Retail Channel. In cases where we can't find a match,
it is necessary to manually verify the orphan(s) DimensionAttributeValue(s) and try to re-map them to their respective 
Retail Channel. Wherever the re-map is not possible, the DimensionAttributeValue.IsDeleted field should be marked, to avoid those
orphan records to be used. To accomplish this, the system provides a helper method DimensionAttributeValue::updateForEntityValueDeleted()
that can be used to mark the orphan DimensionAttributeValues as deleted.