/consoleloggerparameters: Parameters to console logger. (Short form: /clp) The available parameters are: PerformanceSummary-Show ...

                     Parameters to console logger. (Short form: /clp)
                     The available parameters are:
                        PerformanceSummary--Show time spent in tasks, targets
                            and projects.
                        Summary--Show error and warning summary at the end.
                        NoSummary--Don't show error and warning summary at the
                        ErrorsOnly--Show only errors.
                        WarningsOnly--Show only warnings.
                        NoItemAndPropertyList--Don't show list of items and
                            properties at the start of each project build.    
                        ShowCommandLine--Show TaskCommandLineEvent messages  
                        ShowTimestamp--Display the Timestamp as a prefix to any
                        ShowEventId--Show eventId for started events, finished 
                            events, and messages
                        ForceNoAlign--Does not align the text to the size of
                            the console buffer
                        DisableConsoleColor--Use the default console colors
                            for all logging messages.
                        DisableMPLogging-- Disable the multiprocessor
                            logging style of output when running in 
                            non-multiprocessor mode.
                        EnableMPLogging--Enable the multiprocessor logging
                            style even when running in non-multiprocessor
                            mode. This logging style is on by default. 
                        Verbosity--overrides the /verbosity setting for this