To protect your password information, you will be prompted any time (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) is asked to create a connection via a Web proxy in an unprotected manner.
This recording cannot be accessed because it has been renamed, deleted, or moved. Exit and restart the Recording Manager ...
This recording cannot be published because it has been renamed, deleted, or moved. Exit and restart the Recording Manager ...
This recording couldn't be played because either the recording was deleted or it is stored at a location that is unknown ...
To include audio, stop recording. On the Settings menu, select Recording Options. Select the Audio check box and start recording ...
To protect your password information, you will be prompted any time (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT) is asked to create a connection ...
To publish a recording to SharePoint, you must have a SharePoint asset library, which is a feature of SharePoint Server 2010 ...
Type the phone number below. For international numbers, include all necessary country and region codes. For details and examples, ...
Unable to apply remembered user setting due to a read error. The remember setting has been erased. This Lync Meeting uses ...
Unable to establish a network connection. Make sure you are connected to the network, and try again. If the problem continues, ...