Transforms an SCW generated security policy into files that can be deployed via group policy. The transform operation does ...

Transforms an SCW generated security policy into files that can be deployed via group policy. The transform operation does not change any settings on the server where it is performed. The transform operation creates a Group Policy Object (GPO) in Active Directory and copies the transformed files into that GPO. After the transform operation has successfully completed, an administrator must link the GPO to the desired OU(s) in order to have the policy deployed to servers.    Warnings:  1. IIS Settings are not deployable via group policy.  2. The transform operation should be performed as a domain administrator.  3. Firewall policies that list approved applications should not be deployed to servers unless the Windows Firewall service started automatically when the server was last started.    Syntax: scwcmd transform [/p:policyfile.xml] [/g:GPODisplayName]    /p:policy Specifies the path and filename of the xml policy file that     should be applied. This parameter must be specified.    /g:GPOName Specifies the display name of the GPO. This parameter must     be specified.    Example:  scwcmd transform /p:FileServerPolicy.xml /g:FileServerSecurity
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