powershell.exe -Help -NoLogo -NoExit -NoProfile -Command arg remainingArgs -OutputFormat format -InputFormat format -Help, ...

powershell.exe [-Help] [-NoLogo]  [-NoExit] [-NoProfile] [-Command] arg [remainingArgs]    [-OutputFormat format] [-InputFormat format]   -Help, -?, /?     Show this message. -NoExit     Don't exit after running all startup commands -NoProfile     Skip execution of user initialization script -NoLogo     Skip writing the copyright banner on startup -Command     Execute the remaining command-line parameters as though they were typed     at the Windows PowerShell command prompt.  Then exit, unless -NoExit is specified.     -Command must be the last option specified, as it uses all remaining     parameters specified as its own arguments.     If '-' is specified as the command, then keyboard input is read from stdin. -OutputFormat     Format the output of all objects in the format specified. -InputFormat    Read input from stdin in the format specified.