Usage : fsutil security enumsds options offset count Eg : fsutil security enumsds C: This command displays the contents of ...

Usage : fsutil security enumsds [options]  [offset [count]]
   Eg : fsutil security enumsds C:

This command displays the contents of the NTFS security descriptor stream.
By default every security descriptor starting from the beginning of the stream
will be displayed.  You can optionally provide a starting byte offset within
the stream, and limit the maximum number of security descriptors to display.


  /bare   Display no extraneous output other than security descriptors.
  /flags  Describe individual flag bits in human readable form (no effect if
          used with /sddl).
  /sddl   Display security descriptors in a compact SDDL form, useful for
          automated processing (especially with /bare).  Without this option,
          security descriptors are displayed in a human readable form.