The Get-MsolDirSyncProvisioningError cmdlet is used to check for objects with sync errors in a tenant. Important notes: All ...

        The Get-MsolDirSyncProvisioningError cmdlet is used to check for objects with sync errors in a tenant.

        Important notes:

        All arguments are case sensitive.

        "-ErrorCategory PropertyConflict" must always be included. There are currently no other types of ErrorCategory, but this may be extended.

        To see errors by property type, add the -PropertyName flag with the UserPrincipalName or ProxyAddresses argument.

        To see errors relating to a specific property add the -PropertyValue flag (-PropertyName must be used as well when adding this flag).

        To perform a string search, add the -SearchString flag.

        There are two flags that can be used to sort the results of a given query:
        -SortField: valid arguments include DisplayName and UserPrincipalName
        -SortDirection: valid arguments include Ascending and Descending

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